Thursday, April 30, 2009
All by himself...
Given how things are going, I am not taking all 3 boys AND my niece to the mall to get their picture taken tomorrow. I love my mom and all and she loves pictures of all her grandkids together, but that would just not be worth it, especially given that I am volunteering at the school fundraiser in the morning and Grant has his first Spring Sing program tomorrow night. I am not putting off work that I should be doing right now, because today and every day are so unproductive during daylight. I am much more responsible then that.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Grant Saves The Day
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Guys In Ties

I was so proud of my guys on Easter, I thought they all looked so cute in their ties. Much to Kyle's surprise and delight, the Easter bunny (aka Grandma) came while we were at church this year. I think he was convinced that "mom and dad" are the Easter bunny (doesn't take long for those kindergartners to get to talking), so when we proposed setting out the basket before church, he was like "ok, whatever" but his eyes got big when he saw the carrots scattered in the hallway and the full basket by the door. Going to church early also a made for a more enjoyable egg hunt, not having to worry about rushing off to a crowded church (oh and there is also that true meaning of Easter, first things first thing as well). We also did a sleep over at Aunt Ashlie's on Friday while Uncle Anthony was out of town again this year. Last year, Grant didn't really seem to notice, but this year he kept saying "We need to go home".
Ryan is busy as ever, waving bye-bye for the first time on Saturday. He is also using two other signs, "more" and "all done" although I think I have him kind of screwed up on "more". Since puffs are the easiest thing to throw onto his tray and his favorite, he gets lots of those and I think he now associates the more sign with what else but puffs. He was signing more while I was trying to feed him some other type of food and when I didn't respond with puffs, he just started clapping his hands harder and harder. His all done is cute as well, he puts his hands all the way over his head as if to signal a touch down. On his PAT evaluation, he was off the chart in every area except for communication, so we will try to keep working on the signs. His gross motor skills are obviously up to par as he can climb straight up the bunk bed ladder. Both Jason and I have made the mistake of leaving the room while he was innocently cruising around the train table only to come back and find him on the 2nd or 3rd step. He can also stand for stand for a good 10 seconds or so before he realizes that he is standing.
I think my poor Grant suffers a little every day from lack of sleep. A friedn just posted about her just turned 4 year old being the same way. If he falls asleep during the day, he is horrible to wake up, then stays awake until midnight, but if he doesn't sleep, he is an angry little troll until he goes to sleep with Kyle around 9. Yesterday, he called Jason a big green drag and said "I'm out of here" (partial explanation, Jason was wearing a green sweatshirt and in one of the cartoons he watches online, a "bad" dog calls Clifford a big red drag).
My Not Me's: I didn't in the span of 15 minutes open my IRA statement to reveal that I now have less then I rolled over 6 years ago after leaving Black and Veatch which had at one point doubled AND open the dryer to find I had washed and dried my cell phone. I also didn't just spend 30 minutes I could have been sleeping looking at phones online only to figure out I couldn't order online.
I also didn't microwave some m&ms, goldfish grahmm crackers and a marshmellow peep (all stolen from the kids easter candy) in a weird and unsuccesful attempt to recreate my favorite dessert, a smore.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Cardiology Checkup
Tuesday, April 7, 2009