Grant got to enjoy a few more weeks of summer with his preschool starting after labor day. He was so ready to get back to school (or maybe just away from crabby mom and his frenemy, Lilly). I love his first day of school pose, with his hands on his back pack straps and I love that he still lets me pick out his clothes. Kyle is so far beyond that, it is nothing but t-shirts and athletic type shorts and pants. He made one exception for picture day, when he wore his Easter shirt and tie with shorts and tennis shoes. He looks so good when he wears nicer clothes, but I want him to feel good at school so I don’t press the issue (at least I try not to). He is not super into school this year, he doesn’t hate it, but he doesn’t love it and I think he really misses seeing grandma. He has spent a few Saturday’s with her, so that helps, but it is just not the same. I am already having to play the “no school, no sports” card which is effective because he LOVES his sports. Soccer is going well, they are playing on a bigger field with a goalie this year. The first few game were rough, but the week before he scored 3 goals and an assist and this week he scored on and played goalie one half, stopping all but one rocket. No wonder Lilly and Ryan seem to worship him. Ryan does not consistently say mama or dada or anything really, but more often then not, he will joyfully sound our “Eye-el” when he sees his big brother. I think I am going to have to break down and record that as his first official word.
I did not stand in the grocery store checkout line reading some gossip magazine about the stars of the Twilight movie while Kyle placed all of the groceries on the conveyor. I would never set such a bad example and get so sucked into an article of that nature. I also didn’t in the very same store take Grant and Ryan for lunch and allow Ryan to spill an entire bottle of milk because I was reading another magazine, I mean, enough is enough, isn’t it?