Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My sweet boys...

While doing some fall organizing (or some attempt thereof) we have rediscovered the set of Lincoln Logs, which is all great fun until someone gets their house knocked down.  This has happened more then a few times, mostly with the middle and youngest, which is why I was so surprised that after Kyle spent a good deal of time on his latest creation, he let Ryan knock it down because “it’s what he wants to do and it will make him happy”.  Sometimes I can’t even believe what a good kid he is.  Ryan has taken to stuffed animals of late, particularly this little bear rescued from the basement.  It’s really to cute for words to see him walk around hugging it.  He has another we call big bear that he drug into my room the other day.  When I asked him to put them in his bed, he walked all the way to his room and did that very thing.  So amazing.  Grant has just been hanging around lately.


I did not skip baths, let Kyle do his homework in the living room and put the kids to bed after 10 tonight because Jason was working and I wanted to watch the CMA’s.  I also did not take a nap today while Grant was watching tv and then wake up and forget to walk to the bus stop to pick up Kyle.  Had I done this, I wouldn’t have gone outside to get the mail and been surprised to see him standing in the neighbors driveway.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Obligatory Halloween Pics

The standard template in the blog book contains 6 pics, so here are six of my favorite from Halloween.  It was a long week with Grant’s party, a field trip and party for Kyle and finally trick or treating on Saturday.  In what is beginning to be a tradition, Jason and our neighbor John ventured out trick or treating and after a short visit to Grandma Mary with the younger two, I stayed behind with them.  The weather was nice this year, so we all ended up outside.  I told Grant I would take him to meet up with his brother, but he saw no reason to walk around the whole neighborhood to get candy when there sat a huge bowl on the table in the driveway.  He was so excited to be “Tom and Jerry”.  I was worried Ryan would not want to wear his costume buy it was actually the opposite, whenever Grant had his on, he threw a fit until we put him in his.


When stopping to pay at a neighborhood garage sale, I did not pull out my credit card and offer it as a form of payment.  I also did not fall in love with a ridiculously expensive TV console from Pottery Barn.  I know better then to even look at that stupid catalog.