More catching up from fall, which brought Grant’s first season of soccer. Although he was adamantly opposed to the idea prior to the first practice, he actually grew to like it fairly quickly. He played almost exclusively on the more aggressive side of the 3 v 3 field and if I remember right, scored in every game. Almost as much as he liked to score, he liked to push, so we have a few things to work on, but overall we are so pleased to see him in the sport I have grown to love. Kyle liked helping out before the game when he could and although it took some adjustment his role as a spectator and not the star of the show. He continued to play with his team from previous season, making this I think his 7th with many of the same boys. Ryan tagged along as usual and was very proud to attend his first sleepover with the boys and Pipa Smith and Grandma Deb’s house. He was so excited (as shown in the pic) to pack his bag and climb up into the big SUV. As we packed, we would ask if he wanted something and he would say “Yes, put it in the bag”. So vocal, it makes me wonder what the other two were thinking about at his age but just not saying.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Soccer and Sleepovers
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Back To School Pics
I think I covered back to school in my previous post about of all things Christmas cards (which I actually did because I Shutterfly was giving away 50 free cards if you blogged about their cards, but after I did it, I decided the rest of the hoops weren’t worth jumping through), at least it got me back to blogging, which I really miss, again this sounds so clichĂ©, but it seems like time is slipping away from me as the boys get bigger. Case in point the green back pack. This almost broke my heart, we were at Target at probably late July and they were putting out backpacks and I told Kyle, “Oh, let’s go pick one out so you have all of them to pick from and you can get one you really like. He was game, but came back not with Spiderman or Star Wars, but this plain green one, apparently to big for a character back pack. Speaking of heart break, is the pic of Ryan waving goodbye to the school bus not the most precious thing ever?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
From Swimming to Christmas Cards
that seems about right. Missing of course was the start of school and and new blogging year (my third, who would have thought). Fairly uneventful, Kyle doesn’t hate school, but he doesn’t necessarily like it either. He teacher is young, but good and his life still revolves around sports. His “uniform” consists of track pants and a hand me down Cardinals or baseball shirt from the kids up the street. They are doing more math this year, which he likes, at times filling up an entire sheet of paper with different math facts and problems. Grant is in his third year at ABC preschool and was so ready for kindergarten, but with an August birthday will have to wait one more year. It is fun that he is attending with Lilly this year, although she had a rough start and I don’t think her older cousin was much help. He does enjoy his extended day on Wednesday which is all boys. I would just hate to see the bathroom after that class. Speaking of bathroom, Ryan made an early effort towards potty training, amazing, given that his brothers were past the three year mark before we could convince them to even try, but in the end, he just wasn’t ready. Other then that, he continues talking up a storm and following his brothers. He has taken to calling Kyle “Bubby” and Grant “my best frien”. He is so easy going in most respects, but for some reason the thought of standing still for a second to take a picture for our Christmas cards was completely out of the question as evidenced by attached pictures. I tried once by myself in the park and lighting was perfect, but he was having none of it. The second attempt was completely last minute, on our way to church, funky light and the boys in bright white socks, but with Jason’s help, I was able to get a few that I could photoshop together and our cards actually ended up being beautiful. I was trying to find a way to link to the end product on Shutterfly, but couldn’t figure it how. I guess I always love the end product, since I don’t really have professional pics done anymore, it is the one formal pic I have of them from year to year and always the cover of my photobooks (not that I am at all caught up on photobooks, but I will be at some point).
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
One more thing
No pictures (apparently forgot my camera all 8 times) but Grant joined Kyle in swim lessons this summer (the attached picture is just a favorite pre-swimming pic from later in the summer). He went from complete refusal to even attempt entering the pool without his swim vest on Day 1 to a confident little swimmer by the end of the session. He just seems to will himself across the pool. A little heart wrenching for me, but the kid doesn’t panic and always seems to get from point a to b one way or another. He even jumped off the big diving boards and the “fancy” pool. Kyle had a great set of lessons as well and I’m sure could swim circles around me if I gave him the chance.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Summer Time Wrap Up
Since fall is in full swing, I thought a summer time wrap up was in order so I can close out the blogging year and get into book form. July was less eventful, but did include basketball camp for Kyle and a big lake trip with my dad and step-mom. It was really so much fun to spend time with them and the trip brought back lots of memories of going to the lake as a kid. I am glad the boys got that experience. The events of the day usually consisted of swimming, tubing, more swimming, eating, then tubing, tubing and more tubing, the swimming. There are no pictures of the accommodations and we can just that there was good reason for that. The boys of course didn’t care and liked having sleepovers with pipa and grandma deb and going without a shower for two days didn’t kill me. I really hope the lake will be an annual or at least semi-annual thing, just maybe a different venue next year. Upon our return, we immediately started to prepare for what I guess must be a rite of passage for all parents, Kyle’s first sleepover party. I will post the pictures in a separate post because there are some memorable ones. It was complete chaos, but the boys had fun, I think. Mom brought over Lilly and had planned to take Grant and Ryan home with her which ended up being a good plan. I think she just ended up grabbing all of the kids and running like a refuge, I don’t even remember saying goodbye. The make your own Sundae bar was a big hit, especially the sour skittles and I was surprised how much fun they had with the craft (pictured). I grossly underestimated the ease with which they would fall asleep, but after some encouragement from me, the last set of eyes were closed at 2 am. Sounds so cliché, but I can not believe my baby is 8. He is turning into such a great kid, I can barely contain my pride sometimes.
This is a really smart cat...
I call his name,,,,Grant. Grant’s imagination has literally exploded, he does this several times a day, gets paper, grabs the nearest writing utensil and draws the most amazing stories. Ryan typically follows suit and Kyle has always been a prolific artist. I love this phase where they can draw anything. Ryan also likes to copy favorite phrases from his brothers, one of the most memorable being “IIIII seeeeee Kyyyyylee’s unnnnnnnderrrrrweaaaarrrr!
Monday, August 2, 2010
what we did in June...
Ryan turned 2, Kyle played ball and we all rode a train to
The birthday celebrations were interspersed with many ball games for Kyle. I loved watching him play, but have to admit I hated lugging Grant and Ryan to the park. Soccer was fine because the games were shorter and there wasn’t much trouble to be found in the open field, but baseball games drag on and on and there are bleachers and concrete. I was lucky to have Andy when it got hot, but then I felt bad that he missed the games. What worked the best was dropping Kyle off early to warm up, then going to the park and not coming until there was about 45 minutes left in the game. It was a good compromise, but I did miss Kyle’s best hit of the season. I love how determined he looks in the running pic. He plays that way all of the time, he is never “off”. I have another pic that I must have taken in July that I love as well. It shows him running in after he made 2 force outs in the field and it is the closest thing to pure joy I have ever captured on film (or memory card I guess).
We did miss one game for a great
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Happy Times
To say it has been awhile is an understatement at best, I really just can’t even begin to describe how busy I have been and that would be boring, so I won’t. But as the pictures show, there have been some happy times interspersed with the stress and chronic lack of sleep. With May comes both my birthday and Mother’s Day. The picture of Grant on the rug is him with the present he picked out for me. He was just so excited, Jason said he saw it at Target and just had to have it for me and I really do like it, which is good, because he could not wait to give it to me and then could not stop asking questions like “do you like your new rug, Mom” and ‘what is your favorite thing about the new rug” and my favorite, “what do you like better, the rug from me or the clothes from Kyle”. He also made the card in the picture, the one with the caterpillar with a hat, because really, nothing says Happy Mother’s Day like a caterpillar with a hat on. I would be lying to say that I wasn’t disappointed that my children’s father put no more effort into the festivities then the shopping trip. I of course realize how lucky I was to be able to spend the day with my kids, I just ended the day feeling a little empty that to Jason, it was just another day, not even a “hey, your doing a good job as a mom” which is all I really wanted from him. But life goes on and I had an amazing birthday, as shown in the rest of the pictures, complete with strawberry cake a new point an shoot camera and an awesome dinner at the fanciest (and most expensive) restaurant I have ever been to while all three of the boys slept over at Grandma’s. It was a much needed break in what has already been described as a crazy break.
With school out and my super big work project wrapped up, I am feeling just a little better. Kyle is going to soccer camp this week and is in heaven, playing 3 hours a day. He can’t wait to do the full day next year. We have a busy June planned and a few things for July as well, so things are good in his neck of the woods. His school has a 1000 page reading challenge and he is going at it with a vengence, having already logged over 250 page (in the first week of summer). I think he thinks it more of an assignment and I don't know if he will stop cold turkey once he hits the 1000 page mark. I kind of doubt it, his reading skills really took off in the last quarter and he is easily reading chapter books, his favorite being the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series. Grant is going with the flow as usual. He loves to give people hugs, not just us, but the photographer at Picture People, the hostess at Waldo pizza, some random woman that came to the house to drop off PTA receipts, etc. It's like he just gets a huggable vibe from some people and goes for it, really, really sweet. He also admires cars and has said a few times (again to random people) "that's a nice car you have there". Ryan (aka Ry Guy) is along for the ride as well. When someone has something he wants, he has stated saying “that’s Ry Guy’s”. Since we are closing in on his 2nd birthday, this happens a lot. He really says all kinds of things that amaze us, today I took Grant and him to the zoo while Kyle was at camp and when Jason got home, he asked Ryan what we had done and he said “say monkeys, ooh ooh ahh ahh”, “monkeys eating”. When I asked if he remembered what the tigers were doing, he replied “sleeping”. Can’t believe he remembered 8 hours after the fact and could repeat it.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Cardiology Checkup
I am fully aware I have not blogged Easter and there are some very blogworthy photos/phrases (such as “Look, the Easter bunny laid a car egg”) but Ryan’s annual checkup with cardiology was today. I took my camera, wanting a pic of him covered in EKG stickers, but he was pretty unamused with the whole process and it just didn’t seem like a Kodak moment. We did survive, thanks to the tv’s in every exam room at CMH North. He was as usual, captivated by Sponge Bob and held perfectly still for his echo, towards the end, he just looked at me and started saying “Mama, Mom, Momma” over and over as in what in the hell is she doing and why haven’t you picked me up yet. He took his favorite bear-bear and held tightly the whole time. When the echo tech tried to put a sticker on bear-bear, she found out what the look of death looks like when coming from an almost 2 year old. After the echo, we talked to Dr. D, the cardiologist. He was more talkative this year (last year, I just remember him saying, “he is fine, complete repair, perfect, don’t give him any special treatment”. Today he still said he was fine, but did say he had some leakage from his aortic valve that has caused a slight enlargement of his left ventricle, but it is very mild and within the range of what a normal kids heart would look like. Just something they will continue to watch. He asked about speech, saying they do sometime see speech and language delays in TGA kids because of the decreased oxygenated blood flow to the brain in utereo. Fortunately, Ryan is talking up a storm and although he was born with a small head (5% compared with 90-95% for his brothers), he caught up extremely quickly, yeah Ryan. When we came home, he said “I unt grapes, I unt choclate milk”.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Annual Spring Trip to the Zoo
I don’t know if you can call two years in a row annual, but like last year, we did trek to the zoo with mom, Lilly my friend Julie and her 3 yet again this year during spring break. Like last year it was an amazingly beautiful day weather wise and we had a great time. I figured Kyle would be the bellyacher, but with his new found reading skills, he had a great time reading signs and telling us random animal facts. The downside was that since he could read signs, we couldn’t’ use the “oh, there’s nothing down that trail, just bathrooms line when we were tired and didn’t feel like making one more loop to see another set of monkeys. I even let him man the camera (the small digital, not my big expensive one that didn’t even make it out of the house with us because if I took it somewhere with all three kids I would end up losing one of the kids because I was so worried about keeping track of the camera) and he did a great job. The picture of Ryan that Kyle took captures one of the last outings with his “me”. We (we meaning Jason) finally got serious about ditching the binky during all but bed and nap time. It won’t lie, it was a pretty hellacious week. Ryan directed most of his frustration at me and I sent the lion’s share of that frustration straight at Jason, but we survived and now that is over I am glad to have one last visible parenting hurdle no longer hanging over my head. An upside is that I think Ryan now looks forward to bedtime, he will come to me around 8 or 8:30 and say “Iwannarock”, then run in his room, reach between the slats of his crib to retrieve his long lost friend and then go sit in the rocking chair and wait for me. Back to the zoo, Ryan is just the perfect age and loved it, so proud to identify all of the animals and other things we ran across (BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! WATER! TREE!). If he didn’t recognize the contents of the exhibit, he would just say “ANIMAL! ANIMAL!” Grant spent most of his time saying everything was boring, which he says about anything he doesn’t like (these “peas” are so boring) which seems like anything that does not involve the TV. I know it is just a phase and things will get easier soon.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My big boys...
…continue to amaze me. Grant who has for so long any type of writing instrument, all of the sudden can’t get enough markers and pencils and chalk and crayons and paint. The picture is probably one of his first that depicts people. It is not of our family, but of Ashlie’s. It has Anthony, Ashlie, Lilly, Dexter and a big mushroom. I wish I could remember what he said about the mushroom, but all of his pictures have some amazing story behind them. I could listen to him talk forever. I asked him the other day what he remembered about the trip to Bennett last year with Jason, Andy and Kyle. He said “Fisherman don’t whine” and “there was a trailer but we couldn’t see the wheels”. Kyle continues his artistic endeavors. He is very prolific. They will do a project in art and he will come home and do it 20 more times. One of his favorites was the three line people drawing. I don’t know if I blogged about it, but for Jason’s Christmas, we made his 10 favorite line people projects into a big collage on Snapfish. I think it is so cool and it’s hanging in our hallway. The pic is his other passion, Legos. I wish I could say I was more supportive of this, but I really can’t stand any toy with more the 10 pieces, so the 300+ piece Lego sets are really more then I can handle. We have developed a workable system involving bowels and bags and containers, but I still cringe every time he sets up shop at the dining room table. His other big passion of late is his reading. I would say he is fluent now and it is just very cool. He was so proud the first time he read and entire chapter and could understand it and so was I.
Several thing I have not done lately. I did not wash my sheets, put them on the bed and then the next morning, proceed to pull them of the bed and stuff them back into the washer. That would be a sign of serious short term memory problems. I also did not take a huge pile of checks to deposit for PTA to the bank with not a single endorsement. That bank already thinks I am a whacko and that would have probably pushed them over the edge. I would not put two referenence to laundry in single post, but if I did, it would be to relate that Kyle has never had to ask "is there a basket of clothes somewhere that I can get some pants out of". Their laundry is always put away immediatly and they would think it abnormal to have to dig it out of a basket stashed in my bedroom or office.