Ryan had a good weekend, lot's of big firsts. On Saturday, they took out the remaining umbilical line which meant we got to hold him for the first time. They also started to feed him through a small tube in his nose. So it was one tube out, one tube in, but is was worth it to get to hold him. His first feeding went so well that they let me feed him a bottle at the next feeding. Since I nursed my older boys, this was also my first time feeding a baby a bottle, but it went very well. On Sunday, the nurse practitioner actually said that I could try nursing. I couldn't believe it, they monitor everything so closely, I never imagined that would be ok with just recording that he nursed for so many minutes, but they were so we gave it a shot. The first time didn't go so well, he got frustrated that the milk wasn't right there like it was in the botttle, so we went back to the bottle, but he did great the second time and I was so excited. We tried at 3 and I think he was just to tired. His breathing rate elevated so we went back to the tube and the back to bottles where I think we will stay for awhile.
We also talked to one of the cardiologists about his condition and the catheterization he will be having performed on Tuesday. His condition is called Transposition of the Great Arteries or TGA for short. A good explanation can be found at the following website: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=1682
The catheterizationwill help the cardiologist and the surgeons determine exactly what needs to be done during surgery. Sometimes other anomalies are present and this will give them a "roadmap" to follow. I am not sure how soon after the procedure they will schedule the surgery or even when we will get to talk to them about results, but will post more when I have a chance. There is a computer here in the NICU for families to use, which is nice. I will try to post a few pictures from home when I have a chance as well.
We also talked to one of the cardiologists about his condition and the catheterization he will be having performed on Tuesday. His condition is called Transposition of the Great Arteries or TGA for short. A good explanation can be found at the following website: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=1682
The catheterizationwill help the cardiologist and the surgeons determine exactly what needs to be done during surgery. Sometimes other anomalies are present and this will give them a "roadmap" to follow. I am not sure how soon after the procedure they will schedule the surgery or even when we will get to talk to them about results, but will post more when I have a chance. There is a computer here in the NICU for families to use, which is nice. I will try to post a few pictures from home when I have a chance as well.
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