Ryan had his 6 month checkup this week and as you can tell by the pic, he was a very healthy 17 lbs 9 oz (50%) and was 27.5 inches long (85%). His lungs were clear despite a little congestion and his noisy breathing has almost completely resolved. As expected, the doctor was very unconcerned about my concern for his low appetite and complete rejection of any and all solid food. The medical student making rounds with him that day who appeared to me to be about 12 suggested I create a more positive atmosphere when introducing solids. Ok, thanks, I'm sure that's it. I don't even want them to "do" anything about his appetite, just humor me and say that it could be related to his surgery and like everything else, just needs time. Also, when I asked about getting a flu shot since he was officially 6 months old, he said he wasn't that concerned because the rest of us did get the shot and he was already getting 3 pokes. Ok, to a heart mom, 4 pokes is nothing and you were very concerned when we opted to follow our cardiologist's advice to forgo the RSV shots, but a $30 flu shot isn't "worth it"? Needless to say, a new ped is in our future, I have a couple of great recommendations from a friend whose baby has a "complicated" history as well. I am just so not the type to go around changing doctors and I really have no complaints about the care he has received. I believe his is a really good doctor, but this is obviously not working for me. Ugh.
Since Ryan's 6 month birthday fell during December, I didn't want to take him to a busy, germy portrait studio, so I tried to set up a little studio in my hallway, next to the front door for light, which I would have liked to have had a little more of. I was in the office taking pictures and the FedEx guy delivered a package and I'm sure he thought, "What is this naked baby doing setting by himself in the hallway". I had a little heater out so he didn't cold and he loves it when I get out the camera. He smiles so easily. He is probably like, hey, mom is actually looking at me and paying attention to me instead of just schlepping me around on her hip.
What cute pictures of Ryan. I would never have guessed that you took them yourself!
Good luck on the quest for a new ped.
Awesome pictures!! I never would have guessed that you took them yourself in your home!! Call Dr. Gladstone... I really think you will like her! Have a wonderful Christmas and we will talk soon!
Brandi- If you would like my input on peds give me a call.
Hi Brandi,
My son Luke was born 4/25/07 with TGA, VSD. I follow your blog and am so happy to see Ryan is doing so well. Ryan is so lucky to have such an involved and caring mother. I know it can be nerve wrecking to have a heart baby but I think your gut feelings will always be your best guide. If there is ever anything I can help you or if you just want to converse with someone else who has dealt with the same situations please don't hesitate to contact me anytime.
Warmest Wishes,
Wendi Hundley
Mom to Luke - TGA, VSD
Born 4/25/07 Switch 5/1/07
Carepage: Babyhundley
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