In addition to standing, Ryan started eating those Gerber cereal puffs and boy oh boy does he like those. I think he would be fine with only those, but he does continue to do fairly well with his baby food and we are down to basically 3 times a day nursing if you count the several hours he nurses on and off in the wee hours of the morning as one feeding.
It was CHD Awareness week and I feel like a slaker a little, lots of my "virtual" CHD friends posted and participated in other activities. I did ask the gym teacher at Kyle's school who is coordinating a fund raiser for the AHA if he would request the funds be directed towards CHD research, since only about 1% of AHA money is. He said he couldn't for this year, but would look into it for next, which is exciting. I will for sure remind him. I just think if you are going to have kids raising money, it makes since that it should benefit other kids, there is actually a little boy in Kyle's class who had is a CHD survivor. I also made two blankets today, each with fabric the boys picked out. I don't know if Grant will part with his or not, he doesn't really understand the concept, but Kyle does and he is excited, he helped me sew a little, I wish I would have had more patience to let him help more. I just forgot how hard it is to cut two big pieces of fabric to be the same size and the flannel was kind of hard to work with. I got a new sewing machine (or gachine as Grant would say) for Christmas from the boys and Jason and while we were sewing, Kyle said "I thought that was an automatic machine, why do you still have to put the fabric in it". I guess he thought you just punch in blanket and it would pop out. He had a whole list of things he wanted "sewn", like a magician's hat, a fireman puppet, etc. He was pretty disappointed that I can really only sew in a straight line. The new machine is very nice though. In addition to helping with the gachine, Grant also spent the weekend going around saying "Squidward, I found you". Kyle explained eventually that Squidward is a Sponge Bob character but he had no idea what he was talking about other then that. Lots of things I didn't do over the past week, including:
* I didn't eat any of my kid's valentine candy, especially not the good stuff. I could probably just say I never eat any of their candy from any holidays, since it is their candy after all.
* I didn't load all three kids into the van to run to Sam's and to pick up some more fabric for heart blankets only to be rear ended just before the exit. If that had happened, I wouldn't have called my mom to see what to do. I am 34 after all. I also wouldn't have told the officer that yes, I did want an ambulance because Ryan was screaming and I wouldn't have added for no reason at all that he had had heart surgery. I would have known that he was just scared like his brother, crying big tears and saying "we need to go to the hospital, Baby Ryan is hurt". I know he is a normal baby with a healed heart and I don't need to keep mentioning it to people. I wouldn't have felt bad for the guy who had driven 1.5 hours to go shopping at the mall only to rear end me and ruin his shopping trip and I wouldn't have continued to Sam's knowing that if I didn't, I was going to have to come up with something for dinner besides one of their premade meals. Most importantly, I would have be glad that everyone was really ok after all, just a little shaken up.
* I did not try to explain the process of writing down all of these things I didn't do to my husband. He would just stand there and look confused and say, "but there are still Christmas window clings on the back door" and even if he did get it, he would think it was weird.
1 comment:
Go baby Ryan! He's growing up so fast! I'm sorry about your accident. I got into a fender bender in a Costco parking lot the day before we moved last August. I freaked out, was shaking like a leaf, and left Victor some frightening voice mails since he wasn't around to pick up the phone! Hang in there!
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