Ryan is 9 months old tomorrow! I wanted to take him and have his picture taken, but I have been hearing/reading that flu and RSV just got a late start this year and are pretty prevalent right now, so I will probably wait again. It could just be me being lazy and having a good excuse. We are having trouble with the time change. I always look forward to getting the kids into bed at an earlier time, but they always end up actually going to sleep later and wake up so tired. This coupled with the fact that I have gotten back on the wagon with limiting their screen time has produced a few tears this week. But hopefully things are looking up, we had a pretty good day, topped off with a dinner of tacos with "whack-a-mole". Ryan continues to amaze and entertain us. This is such a fun age, he is just learning things so quickly. His big thing this week has been learning how to sit (or plop) back down after he has pulled himself up. It is so cute, I tried to get a video clip, but they never do it the same way when the tape is rolling. I also started some stage 3 baby foods and he seems to really like them, he also love when I just put small pieces of food on his tray. The picture is the one I used for some cards I made on Snapfish for Doctor's day. Having not celebrated Doctor's Day before, I decided to go all out this year. CHD Families gives baskets to the big 5 areas at CMH (CV Surgery, Cardiology, NICU, PICU, 4S) so I ordered 5 for those, then ordered some extras. I thought I would send them to the cardiologist that diagnosed him at Menorah (Dr. O'Laughlin) as well as the neonatologist that cared for him there (Dr. Skooly) my OB and the doctor that delivered Ryan. Hopefully they will enjoy a word of thanks, even if they don't remember Ryan specifically. I am also planning to send one to the pediatrician I just left. I do appreciate the care we have received there, but I am glad that we have moved on. I can't even imagine bringing up my worries over Kyle's eating habits to him. I think things are getting a little better in the area, he actually ate a cookie yesterday. He continues his obsession with magic. He bought a new set at Target and want to have a big show. I am trying to explain that he needs to practice, but the message doesn't seem to get through. A couple of did nots:
My 3 year old does not know how to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock that sits on the dresser across from my bed. He always sleeps in his own bed and if he does wonder into our room I gently guide him back to his like they say to do in all of the parenting magazines. If he did know how to do this, he wouldn't say, "Oh, no, there it goes again"
The same 3 year old didn't wonder out loud to Jason "What can I do to make mommy happy so she will give me an apple?"
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