As you can see, Ryan has been enjoying the empty boxes generated by the biannual ritual of unpacking winter clothes, repacking summer clothes, sorting, labeling, etc. The whole process makes me want to move to Arizona. With two kids, this was an unpleasant yet manageable task. With three kids, I am one step away from crazy camp. It’s just so frustrating trying to figure out what is deserving of our limited closet and drawer space with the big boys sharing a room. I feel like all of the clothes I have for Kyle are either two big or too small and the clothes that are too small or only slightly too big for Grant, making me cringe at the thought of packing them into a box that I will soon have to relocate and retrieve. I realize, of course that there are far bigger problems in the world, but for me, this week, this is it. Also frustrating is my 16 months old’s ability to perceive the exact time I wake up in the morning and proceed to wake up about 20 mintues later, about the time I am just starting to work out. No matter how early I wake up, he wakes up around the time I have burned 22 calories. I am trying so hard to be healthier, and keep failing week after week. Maybe this will be the week it all comes together.
I do not have enough clothes for 3 four year olds because I have never had a problem with overshopping. I buy only what we need, when we need it, in the appropriate quantities. My 4 year old that only wears a button down shirt under much protest and many tears does not have 6 hanging in his closet.
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