but for some reason, I think babies in hospital gowns are just beyond cute. Ryan had his circ last week and all went according to plan. He was obviously not stable enough as a newborn to handle the procedure and as a 1 year old it is a little more complicated (not sure why), so we thought seriously about forgoing the whole ordeal, but in the end decided it was the right thing to do for Ryan. The procedure was done at CMH downtown, but really in no way resembled what we went through last year. We waited in the actual surgery waiting room, not the Ronald McDonald Family room where we waited last year. There was a family next to us whose baby girl was having open heart surgery. I almost said something, but I didn’t, not sure if I could be of any help since every case is so different. I did think of them when we were home by lunch and they I am sure were still sitting in that crazy busy room. We were able to use the family room last year because of the length of his procedure and the fact that it was just Jason and I. Lot’s of people offered to watch the boys so Mom and Andy could be with us, but I felt strongly that Jason was the only person I could bear to spend the day with. There is a line in my one of my favorite songs that says “it’s ok when there’s nothing left to say to me” and I think Jason is the only person who understands that about me, as much as I love my family. Wow, did not plan on taking that trip down memory lane. The separation was obviously harder this time as we could still hear him screaming as we got on the elevator, but time went quickly and before I knew it we were right back upstairs, watching them roll him to recovery, casually holding a bottle of juice with one hand. He immediately stood up when he say us, and we couldn’t coax him to ride the mere 10 feet to our curtain area. We were only there a short time before heading home. Not long after returning home, Jason and the big boys left for a few days fishing in Bennett, leaving me to enjoy some blissful one on one time with Ryan. We read books and played and went for wagon rides, we ate healthy foods and slept when we felt like sleeping. I even watched a movie while he was sleeping in my arms. I missed the older boys, but enjoyed ever second with my baby who isn’t much of a baby anymore. It made me a little sad that I don’t take care of him like that all of the time. It helps that he was delighted to have his brothers back home. I would like to write about the fishing trip, but can’t get much out of any of them. Oh well. In other news around here, Ryan is signing and talking a little more, his latest sign is dog (panting) and it could not be more adorable. Maybe I have already written about this, but tonight, I had him in the back yard and we looked at the neighbors yard.at their dog and then made our way to the rock pile. When Jason came out some time later, he pointed towards the yard and made the dog sign, as if to say, hey, there’s a dog over there. He still generalizes a little and makes the dog sign to describe, cats, bunnies, basically anything with fur. He also signs cheese and all done with a high degree of accuracy. The pic of the boys is of our new tie die shirts and I just thought the pj outfits we very photo worthy.
This week, I have not realized that summer is almost over and the pile of worksheets Kyle’s teacher sent home to “encourage life long learning” is basically still sitting in the folder in the top drawer of his desk with only maybe two complete. We have of course made time every day for “lifetime learning” and always done this before tv or Wii time.
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