of our butts! I think that is what I will always remember when I look at this picture. We actually took these at the end of last month, I have just been on somewhat of a hiatus from blogging. Ryan had taken a late nap and was in a good mood, so we decided to try to take 1 year pictures of him and his brothers at Lowenstein. Of course, his mood quickly went south when we got to the park with the camera, but we did manage to get a couple of good shots and enjoy some ice cream afterwards (bribing with ice cream was integral in getting the older ones to cooperate). The pictures were a precursor to the main reason behind my lack of blogging, finishing Ryan's baby book. I had a coupon for a free photobook that was about to expire, so I shifted into high gear to transform all of my random notes, thoughts and pictures into a photo book of his first year. It was alot of work, but I am soo proud of how it turned out. Hopefully he will enjoy looking at it one day. I have looked at it almost every day since I got it and I am still not tired of gazing at his sweet little face. Throughout this year, I actually imagined that I would blog a lot during this time, all of the one year agos. For instance, one year ago we were readmitted to CMH for respiratory distress. This was probably the darkest time of the entire ordeal, worse then surgery because Ryan seemed to be getting worse and not better and no one could really tell us why or seem to do anything to help. Towards the end of the week, Linda, one of the cardiology nurse practitioners suggested an NG feeding tube. I was crushed at first, I guess it seemed like he was even sicker, but it turned out to be our saving grace. It let him get the calories he needed without getting so tired and let me rest instead of constantly working to either pump milk or get him to drink it. I am still planning to go back and reread some of my posts and add some reflections before I turn this blog into a book, I am just need a little time to recover after the baby book. Appropriately enough now that I have completed his baby book, Ryan is acting less and less like a baby. He seems to be channeling a little cave man, lots of pointing and grunting with the occasional baby sign thrown in for good measure (cheese is his favorite sign, he makes it almost every time we open the fridge). He loves to play rough with the boys, his favorite pool game is pushing Kyle under the water. I guess I should say the only aspect of the pool he even remotely tolerates, as his is still not a big fan of the water. He is like a little cat, trying to climb as far up onto my shoulder as he can or burying his face in my chest. Hopefully this will change with time, Kyle and Grant could spend all day every day at the pool. Kyle started swim lessons and is doing awesome. This is the third year, but the first two were at different places and we have finally found a good fit. Grant gets so upset that he can't go to lessons with Kyle and I feel so bad. Last Thursday, I even agreed to set up the big inflatable slip and slide for him to play on after Kyle left and he did have a great time, it made it worth lugging the thing out, then waiting for it to dry and putting it back up. Some of the neighbors and out good friends that take Kyle to lessons ended up playing, so it was a nice little mid week fun surprise. It was good to have that in the bank, because the weekend turned out to be not much fun, with cleaning and errands and all the stuff that just has to get done sometimes.
Not Me's (lot's to catch up on): It was not 3:30 pm when I changed out of my pajamas Tuesday. Had that have happened, I would not have been changing at that point only because I had to take Kyle to swimming lessons. My 3 year old has not suddenly decided it is ok to pee anywhere, anytime and the same 3 year old did not a get a time out from the 16 year old lifeguard for running at the pool. That would have made me feel like a complete misfit of a mom, abgrigating my paretal resposibility to a teenager like that. I did not put the proceeds from my garage sale in the bank and then proceed to spend 2x that amount on a new computer. Had I have done that, I would not have let the fancy new computer set in my room for nearly 2 weeks before setting it up and by now I would have completly migrated everything from the old to new computer. Just like I would not have just now finished painting the puppet theatre that I commissioned my father in law to make at Christmas! Likewise the shelves I asked for would be painted and hung and being used.
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