I have decided the my blogging fiscal year will coincide with the start of school and since that was TODAY, I need to make one final post to wrap up 08-09. After vacation, the big event of the summer was Kyle’s 7th birthday. There was a great deal on Royals tickets this year, so we decided to take him and some of his buddies to the game. Whether or not that was wise depends on who and when you ask, but I do think the boys ended up having a good time, it was just a little stressful for me keeping track of everyone wanting to go to different places and it was pretty late when we got back. Some parents were already in pjs when I dropped the kiddos off. Kyle watched most of the game even though he informed us that he is now a St. Louis Cardinals fan (we watched one great Cardinals game on vacation). On the way home, the conversation in the back seat of the van seemed to center around “jokes” involving different combinations of people on an airplane and things coming out of their butts. Apparently to 7 year olds, this is the height of humor.
Our other big event was hosting a back to school party for our friends and collecting items to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. Kyle had been wanting to do something for “Ryan’s Hospital” for some time. We had originally planned on having a party mid July to celebrate Ryan being home for one year, but it never materialized, so we came up with this idea and did it during the day and invited our friends. It turned out to be great fun, the kids played on the waterslides for hours and the moms got to enjoy some time to relax. Kyle had a party at the pool directly after, so him and Grant were basically wet and playing from 1 – 7 on Friday. You would have thought they would be exhausted and to bed early, but not really. I think they both have my sleep genes (or lack of sleep genes). In addition to being water bugs, Grant has taken to proclaiming at random times “I’m a good boy”, sometimes followed by “and Kyle is a bad boy”. It’s really quite cute. Ryan continues to imitate his brothers non-stop. He loves carrying around their big plastic bats. One time, he actually dug a ball out of the garage, brought it to me and toddled a few steps away and turned around to look at me. We also witnessed him trying so hard to put a small ball on the tee while holding the aforementioned big bat. I think he would have stood there for an hours trying to get the ball on the little tee had I not intervened.
I have not been neglecting this post (along with numerous other household tasks) because I have gotten hopelessly, shamefully sucked into the Twilight series which I just learned was written for teenagers. Had I gotten sucked into these books, I would at least draw the line at reading the books and not stay up until 2 Saturday night watching not only the movie, but the deleted scenes and interview with the author.
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