Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of First Grade

Not much to report, Kyle seemed the usual combination of nervous, excited, apprehensive, hopeful that tends to arise with the first day of school. His nerves seem to be manifesting in major silliness and I have been working hard on patience. I didn’t go to the school, he was confident he could get off the bus and find his classroom and I was sure this would. He also had our neighbor Owen in his class. He was upset about some friends that ended up in different classes, but had enough friendly faces not dwell on it for too long. I have gotten few details as to the goings on in first grade, other then he had a corn dog for lunch and they get two recesses. I am excited about how the logistics have worked out this year. Mom takes everyone to her house early and I have all day to work (on my work days) until Kyle gets off the bus at 3:30. Since I don’t have to pick G and R until 5, Kyle and I have a stretch of time with no interruptions that we can work on his homework, get ready for the next day or practice reading. I think we have gotten more accomplished in these precious slivers of time then we did in the entire year last year. I hate making him keep at it after being at school all day and he frequently gets mad because he wants to play with Owen, but uninterrupted time is just to precious not to grab and hold on to.

I have not been in a deep state of despair over my sudden realization that I will have kids in elementary school for the next 13 years. I always look on the bright side of everything and have a positive attitude. Also, I don't harbor any secret annimosity towards my seemingly endless array of friends who now have all of the kids in school all day.

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