Friday, October 24, 2008

Ryan's Baptism

Ryan's baptism was last Sunday the 19th.  It was the first time all 5 of us had been to church together, usually Jason goes early or I take the boys, so getting us all fed and dressed in reasonably nice clothes and out the door in time was a challenge to say the least, but we made it, barely.  We actually ended up sitting in front of the nurse practitioner from the CV Surgery team that took care of Ryan during his hospital stay.  She was the one that updated us during his surgery and took care of him in the PICU during his recovery.  It was so great to get to show her how big he has gotten and how healthy he is.  We survived mass and met up with our family who had gotten to church early and was setting on the other side (my dad and step mom even managed to get there early after driving to the old church).  Ryan was pretty tired by the time the baptism ceremony started, but he tolerated it pretty well and watched the priest with very wide eyes as he poured the water over his precious little head.  Kyle watched intently and even got to hold the baptism candle, a job which he took quite seriously.  Grant for the most part ran around like a little banshee, but did pause and watch the actual baptism, after which he exclaimed "You taking Baby Ryan a bath!".  My sister and brother-in-law nervously served as god parents.  I think they felt to young for such a job.  Afterwards we all went back to the house for lunch and Ryan crashed for a three hours nap.  When he woke up, his room smelled like chrism and I realized that it would be the last time I smelled that smell on one of my babies, so I tried to savor it and ended up not washing his hair until Wednesday.

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