Monday, January 24, 2011

Why was the chicken afraid of guys?

Because he was afraaaaaaid of them!  Get it?  Yeah, me neither, even after hearing it approximately a hundred times over the past week or so.  Yes, Ryan has discovered the fine are of joke telling, like his brothers before him.  I wish I was better with video, because Kyle swears he never did this.  Grant was into the knock knock, who’s there, poopy pants as opposed to Kyle and Ryan’s non-sensical questions.  I am trying to get back to real time blogging, although I still need to get some of our Christmas 2010 memories down before they dissolve away.  The pictures of ice cream and Kyle with his certificate are from his first reconciliation.  I wish I had better things to say other then I showed up, but that’s really about it.  Of all of my issues with the church, reconciliation is one I find most, I don’t know, weird I guess.  I was able to go through the motions for Jason and Kyle’s benefit and I am glad that we were there as a family.  Other then that, not much going on besides basketball on Saturdays and snow day after snow day.  In the past two weeks, they have attended a total of 2 days, I think.  2 were scheduled and the rest due to snow or cold.  We have been watching way to much tv and playing way to much computer and I really need to work on getting out of that rut.  The forcast this week is better, so hopefully we can all regroup and start heading in a better direction.

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